Application of MYIR ZYNQ-7000 SoM in Autonomous Driving System


The autonomous driving system employs advanced communication, computing, networking, and control technologies to achieve real-time and continuous control of trains. By utilizing modern communication methods directly interfacing with the train, it enables bidirectional data communication between the train and the ground, facilitating fast transmission rates and large information volumes. This allows subsequent tracking of the train, enabling the control center to promptly ascertain the exact location of the train, thus enhancing operational management flexibility and effectiveness, and better aligning with the demands of autonomous train operation.
In the autonomous driving industry, MYIR's solution involves data acquisition and road condition monitoring, with data transmitted to an industrial computer for processing. The results of the processing are subsequently sent back to the MYD-C7Z010/20-V2 development board designed with Zynq-7000 SoC by MYIR. This development board promptly responds to the relevant autonomous driving actions and feedback the vehicle status information to the industrial computer, thus forming a comprehensive autonomous driving technology system.
Features of MYC-C7Z010/20-V2 System-On-Module and Development Kit
High-performance, high-quality Zynq-7000 computing platform
Xilinx Zynq-7010/20, dual-core Cortex-A9 integrated with Artix-7 FPGA
1GB DDR3, 4GB eMMC, 32MB QSPI Flash
On-board Gigabit Ethernet PHY and USB PHY
Two 0.8mm pitch 140-pin Board-to-Board Expansion Connectors
Premium components and manufacturing standards for reliable quality
Application of MYIR's MYC-C8MMX-V2 in Smart Bus Station
The smart bus station under the development of new technology will integrate the real-time broadcasting of vehicles, release of multimedia information, video monitoring management, self-service ticket
MYIR MYC-YT507H SoM for Highway RSU Controller Application
RSU (Road Side Unit) is a device used in ETC (Electronic Toll Collection) systems, installed alongside the road, that communicate with the On Board Unit (OBU) in vehicles using DSRC (Dedicated Short R